The LCF tool is based on thirteen policies extracted from the Kassianos model, corresponding to its five pillars: Health authority accountability; Facilitated access to vaccination; Healthcare professional accountability and engagement; Awareness of the burden and severity of the disease; Belief in influenza vaccination benefits.
The thirteen policies in the LCF model are as follows:
Pillar #1 - Health authority accountability & strengths of the influenza immunisation programme
Policy 1. Vaccination coverage rates targets set at national and regional levels for recommended populations.
Policy 2. Funding of flu vaccinations for all recommended groups.
Policy 3. Nationwide regular monitoring of patient vaccination coverage rates at vaccination site/healthcare provider level by health authority.
Policy 4. Healthcare provider vaccination coverage rates as part of performance criteria in hospitals.
Policy 5. Sustainable procurement system to ensure appropriate vaccine supply.
Pillar #2 - Facilitated access to vaccination
Policy 6. Access to multiple vaccination settings.
Policy 7. Call-to-action communications to target groups by multiple stakeholders.
Policy 8. Healthcare provider pop-up notification/SMS to population to vaccinate eligible patients.
Pillar #3 - Healthcare professional accountability and engagement
Policy 9. Regular healthcare provider education and training.
Policy 10. Fair and specific healthcare provider compensation per vaccination.
Policy 11. Mandatory healthcare provider vaccination.
Pillar #4 - Awareness of the burden and severity of the disease
Policy 12. Coordinated multi-stakeholder awareness/communication campaigns.
Pillar #5 - Belief in vaccination benefits
Policy 13. Positive media coverage of vaccines.
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